
donut you know we love our teachers

It's standardized testing time around here and while I might not agree with it, I know that it isn't our teachers' fault. I know they are stressed but trying to calm and reassure students.
 Today I dropped a handful of glazed croissants for each of our teachers- one gave me a big ole smile when she saw the sack and said "I even have coffee that I've been trying to drink since 7am" (it was 10:45) We LOVE our teachers!!!

Cost: $5-10

supersonic kindness

Do you have the gem that is Sonic drive-thru by you?
I craved Sonic something fierce when I was pregnant because they have the good ice. You know those amazing pellets perfect for chomping. Oh man I would buy the stuff by the bag full.

You probably know by now that I love to give $5 Starbucks cards but $5 Sonic cards are a close second. 2-4pm is half price happy hour here and we can get our family of 4-5 (depending if Daddy is home) whichever slushes their hearts desire for $5. It's so nice to be able to say "yes" when your kids ask for a special splurge, isn't it.

So today we shared the Sonic love and I hope whoever used it enjoyed their cherry-limeade or Rt44 Sweet Tea, or orange creamsicle slush

Cost: $5

magnificent magnet-ing

One of the main reasons I started blogging about our "Random act of Kindness a Day while Daddy is Away" project is to show that kindness doesn't have to cost much at all.

I had to run to the Dollar Store to pick up some cheap table clothes for a project and stumbled upon these super cute oversized magnets, all with uplifting messages. I bought a handful to have on hand and decided to take a few with us to our speech therapy appointment.

I don't know exactly whose car we stuck it on but wheather it is a therapy parent or a therapist themselves, I hope they smiled.

Cost: $1


won't you be my neighbor

It was 0 dark thirty out, 6:30am to be exact and for some reason my boys woke up chatter boxes. As we waited down the street in a random person's driveway for the bus lights to crest the hill I realized that these poor neighbors had NO say whatsoever in having a gaggle of kids babbling feet from their bedroom windows every morning at 0 dark thirty. They never yelled out of their window to keep it down, they never forgot to lower the shades and give elementary students a show, they never tried to leave their garage and risk running someone over- they were saints if you think about it. So we got to thanking, using Lil miss Gratitude postcards and dropped it in their mailbox. A little thanks to someone who might be overlooked. 

Cost: free
though the $12 set of postcards can be bought here


mirror mirror on the wall

Day 5 of Random Acts of Kindness week has us pleading the 5th on any (temporary) graffiti that may or may not have appeared in our elementary school's bathrooms around or about the time we had parent/teacher conferences. Similar to this RAOK, however this graffiti appears to have been done with dry erase marker, but again, I can't be sure ;)

be kind.
be brave.
be yourself.
you are special.
you are important.
you are one of a kind.

Cost: free


yummy tummies

A few weeks ago one an idea for a wonderful random act of kindness went viral, best of all it is simple and serves a great need! Did you know that when a child carries a negative lunch balance that they are given the bare minimum (which in our district equates to a cheese sandwich, a fruit and water)? There was a swell of people who went to their local schools and paid off students balances, or put money to a filler account if the school has that option- I was MOVED!

I don't think anyone sees school lunches as the lap of luxury.  Our school does a fabulous job with putting out good options but all I could think about was a child that has courageously sat through 3 hours of school, after possibly not having a breakfast, just to be greeted with a slice of cheese between pieces of bread and rubbery pear slices. Our school district lets you run up to a $10 debt before you are only allowed the redistricted meal.

It was SO easy to pay off balances! I walked up to the lunch room cashier (NOT during lunch times for their sanity) and asked if there were students that carried a negative balance that weren't able to get a full meal. The response was "yes, a bunch- I had one in thismornin', poor baby that ain't had it 3 weeks" -we live in the south, that was a telling direct quote- She had love in her voice. You know it breaks their hearts wide open to be serving food but not be "allowed" to give it to a child. 

Cost: give what you can


ding dong ditch

I was a pretty straight laced kid, I can't remember a time when I ding ding ditched for real, but I have to say as a grown-up, its pretty freaking fun.

For this 2nd day of Random Act of Kindness Week we chose to doormat ding dong ditch a sweet couple from our church. I have also diaper ding dong ditched where you leave a box of diapers and a note on an unsuspecting doorstep. The possibilities are truly endless- you could get chocolate ding dongs from the grocery store, or Dr Peppers.
The hardest part of this random act of kindness was getting the boys to be quiet. They were all up for the parking far away and sneaking up part, but the quiet ditch was a little stressful, but honestly I think it will be one of the longer lasting memories. Now, lets see how long they can keep the secret!!!

Cost: $7 for our mat